People who have suffered injuries as the result of accidents or negligence often end up with heavy doctor bills. These may include hospital and ambulance expenses, diagnostic testing, and medical assistive devices such as wheelchairs, canes, and crutches. The costs associated with medications to manage pain and swelling can add up quickly, and most cases require ongoing treatments with a doctor or specialist, as well as rehabilitative costs. The costs resulting from your accident can quickly run into hundreds of thousands of dollars, and lost wages as the result of your injury only add to an already stressful situation.
There are three basic options you may have in the aftermath of an accidental injury that can help you pay your bills: your own health insurance policy and medical coverage, the insurance company of the person responsible for your injuries, and through a personal injury lawsuit.
Private Health Insurance
If you are covered by health insurance, your doctor visits, hospital stays, medication costs, and other expenses may be covered under your insurance policy. At the same time, you will still be responsible for co-pays and pre-set limits or terms for coverage. When you have been injured by the actions of another, you are entitled to compensation for your expenses through their insurance or by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Using your own health insurance policy to cover immediate costs associated with your injury is a good idea, but not a long term solution for dealing with your injuries and expenses from your accident. Consumer Reports advises people who have been injured to be sure and follow their insurer’s policies and procedures to the letter in order to avoid having your medical insurance claim denied.
Insurance Companies
You will likely be contacted by an insurance company if you have been injured as the result, either directly or indirectly, of someone else’s actions. When dealing with the insurance company, be careful about any statements you make regarding your accident, as well as the injuries you suffered. Insurance companies will use what you say to deny or undervalue your claim, thereby saving themselves money. The insurance company will not pay your medical bills directly, but will instead offer you a settlement that, according to their calculations, is enough to cover any medical expenses you have incurred. Before accepting and signing any settlement offer, be sure to contact a personal injury lawyer to review the offer first. Once you sign a settlement, there is no going back. Any additional medical expenses you incur as the result of your accident will be your own responsibility.
Personal Injury Lawsuits
When you have suffered a personal injury of any sort, your best bet is always to consult with a personal injury lawyer. A lawyer can help you calculate your medical expenses, as well as any future, potential expenses which may be associated with your injury. Under the California Civil Code, your lawyer can file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party, and assist you in getting additional types of compensation, such as reimbursement for lost wages and pain and suffering. While you are waiting for your case to resolve, your lawyer can send your creditors letters of protection, letting them know that you suffered an injury and are involved in a lawsuit. This will help you avoid paying out of pocket costs, and let your creditors know they will be paid out of the judgment you receive in your lawsuit. Filing a personal injury lawsuit is often the best way to ensure you get the total amount of compensation you deserve for your injuries.