San Francisco, the beautiful City by the Bay, is a busy and bustling town of over 850,000 residents. Home to history, centers of education and the Golden Gate Bridge, it is the 11th largest metro area in the country. Unfortunately, San Francisco is also near the top of the list when it comes to auto injuries and fatal car accidents.
In 2009, San Francisco ranked first in the state in fatal car crashes and auto injuries in terms of miles driven in cities with populations over 250,000. While these numbers have improved in recent years, the statistics for other auto related accidents are not encouraging.
Despite the intricate network of public transportation, the city’s population density means hundreds of thousands of vehicles traveling millions of highway miles will eventually result in victims suffering auto accident injuries. Whether you are a Bay Area native, in town for business, or enjoying San Francisco as a tourist, if you are hurt in a car accident you should consider seeking the advice of a qualified local San Francisco auto accident attorney.
Car accident injuries in San Francisco
According to data by the California Office of Traffic Safety, a total of 2,571 auto accidents resulting in fatalities or injuries took place. In 2013, this put San Francisco at the 8th most hazardous city with a population over 250,000 people to drive in.
San Francisco fatal car crashes
In 2013, there were 32 accidents resulting in 33 fatalities in downtown San Francisco. These numbers are slightly up from 30 fatalities in 30 accidents in 2012. Pedestrians were involved in 27 accidents in 2013. Five fatal accidents involved intoxicated persons.
Fatal accidents were on a steady decline since 1994 but have seemed to hold steady in recent years. While is is optimistic to see a downturn in auto accident fatalities, the fact is there may always be senseless and seemingly preventable auto fatalities year after year.
San Francisco auto accident attorney
The the law holds that all drivers, motorcyclists, and cyclists must drive in a safe and reasonable manner to prevent placing innocent people in harm’s way. Negligent drivers who breach this duty may be found liable for the damages injury victims incur.
San Francisco auto accident victims can file auto accident lawsuits to recover for their hospital bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Speaking to an attorney about your case can give you a better understanding of what you may be entitled to.
Although the law gives injury victims the right to hold wrongdoers accountable, careless parties and the auto insurance companies who represent them may not always be forthcoming with the compensation necessary to make auto accident victims whole again. In these situations, auto accident victims may need qualified San Francisco auto accident attorneys to help get them the compensation they need.